I’m Talking Cities, Applied Anthro, and Enagagement

I love streets, healthy cities, and all the policies and research behind them. To get my fix of news, I’ve been reading The Direct Transfer‘s daily Overhead Wire newsletter (subscribe here). I was honored when Jeff Wood, the guy behind those things, invited me to be the featured guest on his StreetsBlog Talking Headways podcast. It was […]

On Rental Housing and Markets

You may know that I also blog over at streets.mn, and I just posted a three-part series on rental housing markets, affordable rental housing and related policy. (Three posts so far, it may grow). It was inspired by things happening in my back yard: a lot of hand-wringing about affordable housing, concerns about luxury buildings forcing up […]


I’m puzzling out how public health and affordable housing developers coordinate their work.

Urban Development and Design – and Parking Lots

My various obsessions all fit together into one bigger theme – how urban design creates healthy (or unhealthy) cities.