Well, Here’s How *I* Pay Rent with my Anthro Major

  I identify as an anthropologist, among other things. Anyone who ever studied anthropology, me included, needs an answer to, “What job can you get with an anthro major?” In jokes about useless majors, it ranks up there with art and philosophy. In 2011, Florida Governor Rick Scott took on the whole discipline, noting, “We don’t […]

Co-Files and Pollen

I’m honored to have been featured by Pollen in their latest profiles of CoCo members, Co-Files: Part iii.   “So that’s my thing:  pulling different elements together and helping them work as a unit in a really smart way.”   You’ll have to scroll down a bit through the profiles to fine me, but if you […]

Process vs. Product

I recently realized that one of my hobbies provides a perfect example of how I approach my work.  I finished two projects in the last week, a sweater for my mom, and a sweater for myself. How does knitting relate to consulting?  As knitters will tell you, there are two aspects of the hobby:  process […]

An Incredible Invitation

I was invited to my undergraduate alma mater, Luther College, for a one-week residency as a Vocation Visitor. I was on campus April 10-16, 2011. While on campus I gave this talk, spoke in 12 classes, and met with several student clubs, individual students, faculty and staff. The Luxury of Limited Means: The Freedom to […]