Tag Archive for: norms

Seeding Good Network Habits

Supporting networks, or volunteers, or project teams, I find it’s critical to teach people how to use the tools we have effectively. I try to sneak tips into e-mails and to model good habits — hard when you’re in a hurry! I’ve been leaning on Kathy Choh of Management HQ to help me with this. She provides […]

Just Get Together, Already!

Something I love about networked working is that it’s enough to Just Do Something. Almost anything. Preferably in person. It’s human to want to plan things out, to get them right. It’s so easy to wait until we have time to do it right to do anything. Luckily, there are plenty of examples around of just […]

Leverage => Change

I am constantly challenging myself to find effective ways to leverage change in the world.  Sometimes it’s minor, like how to reduce my yardwork responsibilities.  Often it’s ambitious, like reducing apartment building utility consumption across Minnesota, or changing culture to make bicycling so normal people don’t even notice they’re doing it. I embed those efforts […]